Not enough alternative nights!

Posted by on Monday 17th March 2003. 3 comments.

Yes, for my final night out this term in Reading, I went to a club called After Dark.  Umm, was what I thought as I entered the club. It was coloured in Pitch Black paint and crazy neon lights.  As most of the Students had buggered off home the place wasn't as packed as it should have been.  Within seconds the Catchy bass line of Dreaming of You was played and I was in my element.  An alternative club?  Well, I be livin' in Cirencester where the modal mean of transport is tractor it be.

So this was a huge novelty as you can imagine. Never been to Level 3 in Swindon, thats due to the Metal asecpt of it.  Back to Reading, after a few double Bailieys (no I'm not gay, just a pancy boy when it comes to drinking) I approached the DJ and said play Zero by the Smashing Pumpkins, which he duelly did.  After a few more the request for Audioslave followed by Rage against The Machine was agreed!

Why can't we have nights like that local here?  Apperently there is a place in Cheltham called Enigma that plays this sort of music but it clashes with the legendary Thursday nights at Mission...what am I to do?


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Go to a gig.
Clubbing is much better if its actually a club, not a whole load of people who think they're indie kids but are too scared to actually go to some gigs.  Small gigs are cheaper and a much better way of supporting Alternative music, you will get more good bands being signed if they have more of an audience.

I suppose you could come to Cardiff and go to Metro's...? Although it's not that cheap (except on a Wednesday, when it's shit).

Are you sure you went to the same Reading as me?
ive never even heard of this club