VodBull UK, Thursday 27th March

Posted by on Monday 31st March 2003. 3 comments.

There was so much to look forwards to about this event.
Not only was it the last 'Bull of term, but it was officially called 'VodBull UK' this time.
Ever since I have been studying/drinking in Brum, a copyright scandal in Nottingham (where VodBull used the Red Bull logo without permission, much to their disgust - they have no real association with the night) has meant VodBull was called 'Censored'.  The drinks were the same, the carnage was equal, but it still wasn't quite VodBull.

Thankfully the matter has sorted itself out, and VodBull could return.  Posters appeared all around campus - "The Bull is back - in Full Effect", "Beware of the Bull" etc and a giant Red bull was seen running around campus (seriously!).

I managed to find a stack of flyers and proceeded to cover every inch of my walls with them.

Then the night arrived.  VodBull nerves began early in the evening.  By 8.00 we were twitching in anticipation.  Tragically due to taxi delays we were 5 mins late on arriving - a queue had formed as we got there.

The ChamBull on entry turned out to be a delicious mix of dirt cheap Champagne and Red Bull.  Superb warm up we all decided.
A group of us signed up to get info on buying VodBull anoraks with personalised slogans on the back (I'll have 'Dustbin' naturally).

We then all drank a ludicrous amount of Vodka and Red Bull in about an hour.  I remember the first 15 doubles.  Then everythin goes a little hazy...
Apparently I was to be seen stamping on the floor as hard as I could and screaming randomly at people I didn't know.  I fell over several times, much to everyone's amusement.
The DJ was giving away free VodBull UK t-shirts to people he liked.  He didn't like us, so Jim ran up and stole a pile of 10 from his booth.  My t-shirt is the single greatest possession I own, I am immesnsely proud of it.  It says 'Official Team Drinker' on the back.  I will be wearing it to Mission soon.

I walked around for a while shouting "Unlucky" at the top of my voice to anyone without a t-shirt, whilst pointing vigorously at the VodBull logo.  I'm sure everyone must have been very jealous.
At about 1.00 I made the fantasic decision to run behind the bar and climb up to try and steal the huge 'VodBull on Sale HERE' banner.  I think justifiably, I was escorted from the premesis, where I had an hour long conversation with the head bouncer about door policies and pubs in London (he used to bouncer at one of my mates locals).

I kept being nice and then asking to be let back in, but he was having none of it.  I then had a kebab and made my way home, where a monumental game of Thumb Wars was taking place.

We then had a bit of a battle with the corridor below, involving throwing bins and glass bottles and locking all their toilet doors with some sneaky trickery.  Stayed up until 6am because the Red Bull was still racing through my veins.

Our only casualty of the night was Rob who was found back in Halls by about 11.00 with sick on his bed.  His wallet was found in a totally different halls on Friday morning, no-one has a clue why or how.

Should be more of the same after Easter, I can't wait.  Nothing compares to VodBull.

See you there, if anyone is up for it.



3 comments posted. Post a comment.

Fuck me
I thought mission was chaos.
Vodbull sounds like it needs a new phrase more compelling than 7 kinds of chaos.

God this nite sounds like the best thing ever! Nothing that crazy happens in bournemouth. Apart from the summer ball - i need ideas!

It sounds so dangerous and scary yet so right!