VodBull UK, Thursday 12th June 2003
Posted by on Sunday 15th June 2003. 4 comments.
This was my first VodBull since exams have finished, and the last one of the year for everyone. The flyers were advertising it as "You're Last VodBull Ever...?", as anyone graduating in the Summer will never go again. An emotional experience all round.
Arriving at 8.30 as usual, a larger than normal queue had developed outside - free entry to the first 100 finalists was getting people in early.
Roberto, a mate of mine, decided to work behind the bar for the night. The deal is get paid 5 quid an hour between 8.30 and 11.00, then have unlimited free VodBull for the rest of the night. This meant we could all get served in double quick time. I took advantage of this fact and had my first 3 pints before 10pm....
For the first time ever I remembered finishing my third pint - the alcohol hadn't got through my system quickly enough for memory loss to kick in. Then something silly happened... My drunken confidence told me I would be fine if I drank more, so I bought a fourth pint.
About 15 mins later the full force of the VodBull hit me and I went clinically insane. No real idea what happened, although popular theory is that I was escorted from the premesis through an underpass in the road at about 11.30. I was then seen doing press ups outside at 2.00 to prove how sober I was, and was ranting on about being under the road. I'm still trying to piece together what happened for the two and a half hours in between, the only thing I can think of is maybe I had a kebab??? Maybe I'll never find out.
When we got home everyone was so tanked up with Red Bull that no-one could think about going to bed. We had written notes on Jim's door before we went out asking him politely not to break anything when he got back - he has a habit of being destructive when drunk. Thankfully he managed to only break one window by throwing a bin at it, which was quite a relief.
We then stayed up having a male bonding session by singing Oasis songs at the tops of our voices until 4.30. Unbeatable action.
Can;t wait until October, when the Bull will be Back!!!
See you next week,
4 comments posted. Post a comment.
Yeah I didnt notice it. It should be flashing and going WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO when someone does. I would bother but I've become illiterate since dropping out of uni |
This being the article or your computer? Articles really should be made more noticible and encouraged methinks. |
I make it my mission to experience this once in my life. You know this has been here for almost a week and I only just noticed it! |
Nice one Sam - does the fact that you can drink four pints of vodbull mean you're a super heavyweight now? How will us lowly non-vodbullers keep up??? |