Thursday 31st July

Posted by on Monday 4th August 2003. 4 comments.

We knew from the start of this night that a poor turnout was expected due to Elliott’s Birthday on Saturday – the Thursday Night Flag Flyers therefore had to make an extra special mad effort.  Matthew Day & I were celebrating our Summer Birthdays to make up for it – we should make a habit of this, celebrate someone’s Birthday every week!

The evening began early, 6.00 at Mr Green’s house where a barbie was planned.  Unfortunately, it was windy and looked like raining, so we cooked in his kitchen instead.  Alex B, Bhavin, Matt Day, Mike The Eyes (or was it the barman from the Savoy?) Ian Debbage & I cooked our burgers, fried our onions, and drank our Special Brew.
Greenie and I both had the same great idea of Lime Cordial to go with The Brew, which actually made it taste pretty nice.  After some meat, a beer and a couple of Brew’s we started receiving amusing phone calls.

Firstly my girlfriend rang – Matt Day swiftly answered the phone, put on his incredibly camp voice and claimed to be my Gay Lover.  “Sam can’t come to the phone right now, he’s just about to get dressed” or something along those lines.
Then Stuart Flatt called for a quick Chin-Wag, so for some reason everyone started shouting, and Ian Debbage threw onions down my shirt.  Not sure what I said to him, but I got the impression he’s working for National Rail Enquiries in Cardiff waiting for Uni to start again.

Then Matt Day had the genius idea of phoning the Special Brew helpline.  I put on my thickest Brummie accent and asked the woman on the other end if she had any tips for sobering up!  “Oi’ve had a bit mooch Speshal Bru, how can Oi sober up?”  At first the bemused woman tried offering me some tips, like drinking lots of water, then she started to see the funny side and couldn’t stop laughing!  I discovered that she had never in fact tasted Special Brew – we were appalled, and recommended she go and buy some immediately!

Then we phoned my Mission-hating mate Charlie from Uni (who, in his position of ignorance, assumes that Monday nights in Richmond/Kingston are better than Thursday’s in Mission).  I was sure the purpose of this call was to promote the wonders of Thursday nights.  Instead, Mr Day went on an insane camp rant about how I was looking for men and was likely to find them in Mission!  It didn’t really make sense, although it was quite amusing…

We then had to drink up (not an easy task with half a pint of Brew in front of you) and move on to Mission.  I recall Matt Day trying to claim that we don’t binge drink, because we only drink heavily once a week…  Could you expand on your argument please, I remember thinking it was total crap at the time?!?!

In Mission we discovered that the mystery Yellow Beer is from Mexico (it’s less popular and therefore colder than anything else they sell as it sits in the fridge longer – definitely the best bottled option).

I still smelt strongly of onions.

We met Chris Ward and Ian Neave and loads of their mates who have just got back from Shagaluf – all wearing bizarre t-shirts with cats in armchairs on the front!  I’m sure we met loads of other people, but someone will have to remind me.  Was Paul North there?  I think so.

We had the usual routine of drinking and dancing merry jigs.  I think Taboo was a popular choice for some reason, although whisky was also on the menu…  I reckon we should get back in the habit of requesting random songs from the DJ – haven’t done that for ages.  

We moved to the downstairs dancefloor for a little rave to finish off the night, I staged my one-man Riverdance protest (it still hasn’t caught on!) and we moved outside where I think it was hammering down.   Lots of fun stuff happened, although I can’t remember what – I ended up finishing off Simon’s kebab and chips for him, whilst waiting for Nick Titcombe to buy his kebab from Effe’s.  However, two rather nice young ladies quickly distracted his attention so I walked home alone.

Large wooden fences have been erected so supplement the metal ones outside the Locarno building by my house.  There are big signs saying “Danger – No Entry due to Structural Damage”.  With this in mind, I squeezed through the metal gate, climbed over the wooden fence, then scaled the 2nd gate on the other side.  Fences won’t stop me walking MY way home!!!

I’m on holiday for a while now, so will miss next weeks events.  The week after I may be able to make it, although this has yet to be confirmed.  I started my home brew making industry at the weekend – 10 litres of Yorkshire Bitter are bubbling away in the corner of my room as I write!  One week in the not too distant future will be home brew night – can’t wait!



4 comments posted. Post a comment.

I think it depends on the sort of brew, but as with all real ale, the natural gas should allowed to vent, otherwise it will indeed explode (hence why pubs use two different kind of caps in the barrels -- cork and ply)


Doesn't home-brew have a worrying tendency to explode if left around in hot weather? I seem to remember my Dad's doing so when I was little.
Ah well, I guess we'll find out...

I can't remember my binge argument and therefore cannot justify it. I'm sure it was valid though.

We did meet Paul North. I didn't seem that drunk. I got the Taboo's for some reason, thought they'd be vile. I'm yet to find something more gut-murdering than VK/Captain Morgan. Next time... maybe I'll mix them!
