Bob's Birthday Madness
Posted by on Friday 12nd September 2003. 2 comments.
I know it's few weeks late, but I was bored at work and thought what the heck!
The previous night I had been out for an old college friends birthday and got rather smashed (I know there was sambuca and apple sourz involved somewhere!) and only had about 4 hours sleep. I was sat at home chilled out on my comfy sofa watching Pop Idol with no intentions of going out as I felt so rough, then I kept getting text messages from Jim and Donald bullying me into coming out for the evening. In the end, I let them get the better of me, jumped in the shower and then got into my glad rags and was ready to go partying again!
I got to the Savoy around 9.45 and everyone was there and quite drunk already. I had some catching up to do!! There was some kind of drinking game going on which involved a lot of people with their hands down their pants - I avoided getting involved with this and went to the bar! I saw Mr Day who happily informed me that Drunkit was alive and kicking again and I promised to log on first thing on Monday at work. I can't really remember exactly who was there as it's a bit of a blur now, but I remember Mattock kept taking lots of pictures of everyone. I had only bought myself 2 bottles of Reef, but more kept appearing before me throughout the evening and I would have been rude not to drink them! I was then quite tipsy! I think this was Donald's doing - perhaps he was trying to get me drunk enough to get me back to see his mirrored ceiling?! Jim telling us all his new joke about 'why did the chicken cross the road?'. It was something to do with him eating a nail and having something tucked under his wing, it didn't make sense anyway! Bobby looked very ill at one point after he was made to down a disgusting drink which I think was a triple rum or something - the smell of it made me feel quite ill!
Around 10.45 the last of us in the savoy decicded to join the others in Po Na Na. I had never been to Po Na Na, before so this was a new experience for me - it was also a very good one, as the night went on to be pretty good!
Po Na Na was good fun - lots of drinking and stupid dancing was done and I was introduced to someone called Dom who had apparently been out with us for my birthday a few weeks before. I had no idea who he was - must have been a good night! For some reason Donald, Jim and I all put our right feet together and took a photo of them - I didn't know about this until my film was developed. I had quite a few strange pics that I don't remember being taken! Good job really - I had to remember the night somehow!
Some people dissapeared throughout the night - god knows where they went! In the end, it was just Bob, Jim, Matt G, Donald, Donald's mate and Matt G's boss Jarv and I left. Donald gave us all false hope by telling us Po Na Na was open until 3, so we were not impressed when we were kicked out at 2.
We ended up at the kebab shop by the college - although the place was closed down before due to the disgusting way in which it was run, this seemed to put no-one off. I was thankfully realised I did not want food poisoning in the morning and ordered chips and mayo. We ate outside whilst Jim and Bob gave us their rendition of the horse song - 'I want to shower you with sugarlumps and chase you over fields, polish your hooves every day and take you to the horse dentist, my lovely lovely horse'. We all thought this was hugely funny, but the weird guy sat outside the kebab shop looked at them in disgust. Bearing in mind, that at 3 a.m. this weird guy was wearing a white light cotton suit (the kind people buy for holidays in countrys) with brown leather flip-flops and a straw hat over his scary-spice hairdo, he didn't really have any grounds to judge them on being strange. Maybe he was just trying to be indivisual, but who cares? F***ing weirdo! At least Jim and Bob were entertaining!
We then started discussing how we were all going to get home as we realised we couldn't really stand outside the college all night. Maybe we should have?! During this time, Jim decided to lob something at my head and I retaliated by throwing my chip box back at him. For some mad reason, I thought that because I had closed it and pushed the crappy little foam tab in the slot it wouldn't open on impact. Unfortunately I was wrong and Jim ended up covered in mayo. Whoops!
No-one could decide what they were doing and in the end everyone decided to walk me home - even though Donald and Jarv live in Wroughton! The walk home was interesting to say the least - we had to go through the side streets off Eastcott Hill so Bobby wouldn't be tempted to stop at his house. There was a party in one of the houses and a conversation with a random bloke outside commenced - I don't think he liked us very much. Donald kept on trying to make us go through the grave yard - not sure what his intentions were - and he was reading the number plates off cars and making them into words and was also weaving in and out of cars until he nearly took off someone's wing mirror and I made him stop. A bit further on we came to a steep bit of road and Bob was doing roly polys down it and nearly got run over by a taxi. He thinks he rolled in sh** too. Jim started moaning about how his feet were hurting and we had a debate how mine were hurting more because I had heels on. I think this was when I took my shoes off for the rest of the journey. I know I was hammered as I never do this, no matter how much my feet hurt!
We said goodbye to Greenaro and eventually got to mine. Jim thought it a good idea to try and steal my step-dads fishing rod and everyone decided to torment our hamster by poking at it with pens until their taxi finally turned up and took them all home!
And the moral of the story is - no matter how hungover you are from the night before, never try and stay in on a Saturday night - you'll miss all the fun!
2 comments posted. Post a comment.
It's my first for a long time. I think I did write one or two on the old drunkit, but they've long gone! |
Is this your first Night Out Review? A fine effort! You'll be expected to write more now - keep us updated on what it's like at Mission when we've all run off to Uni. |