Week 7 In The Big Bournemouth House
Posted by on Friday 17th October 2003. 2 comments.
The rest of last monday was just a total disaster.......
Just after i had written my last thrilling account of what life is like in sunny bournemouth, i was just logging off and my fist slipped onto my nose which subsequently made it bleed. Then i went home (with a room key that i had borrowed from uni) and we decided to go to the pier to watch the fireworks display. We got down there and although there was a few people milling around, it was no where near the thousands i had expected- there was no fireworks display. So in our 'never give up' style, we spent half an hour looking for a shop that sold fireworks, failed, so i went home and drunk beer instead, pissed off at having spent a fiver on travel and missing eastenders.
Tuesday was just a typically boring day where i did nothing at uni and nothing at home- just listened to the strokes all night.
Wednesday was slightly better as i fineshed off the preporation for a presentation that was due in on friday, so i decided to celebrate by going down the hollies for some cheeky £1.10 bottles of carlsberg- 7 to be exact. This was also the day that my housemates epic car story began- he couldnt start it at all so he went out and bought a £20 car battery charger which he left on all night.
Thursday was crap - i wanted to be back in Swindon for a large one but instead i watched tele all night. My housemates car still wasnt working so and he was getting worried coz he was due to go home the next day.
Friday was very good indeed. It started when i found out that his car was still not starting and he asked our neighbour for some help. And he automatically set himself up for a years worth of piss taking when our neighbour realised that he had no petrol! How we laughed and im still laughing as i write this! Both the boys of the house went home that night which left me and the girls. So we decided to go and get wrecked at the firestation, but before we went we did some hardcore drinking- i invented a new cocktail, which consisted of taboo, vodka and country satin (a cheap alternative to baileys- £4.99 from all good asda outlets), and this was christened "The Girly Bob", and the secret is to down it from a shot glass through a straw. It was quite nice - try it yourself (Copyright, "Art attacks" Neil Buchanan). Then we all thought it would be amazingly funny to pour vodka into the mayonaise! And it was! The boys of the house still dont know we've done it- Ha ha ha! ANYWAY i think that "The Girly Bobs" i had affected my memory as i dont remember anything else from that night apart from james being there and going to sleep on the sofa in a girls jacket- all in all, a great night!
Saturday i slept, listened to the football and watched pop idol (Vote for Rik) and MTV Awards, and almost wet myself laughing at shaggy having a shit!
Sunday was undoubtedly the best day of the week though, as we all went for a nice roast dinner at the pub, and then went and watched the best film of all time. "Harry Potter" is a must see for every living person on drunkit. We went and watched an advance screening of it, and i had my own "wizzard meal" of popcorn and a coke for just £1.99 and the film was just fucking quality. James went and watched the screen after ours, and he will back me up on the sheer class of this film. GO WATCH IT!
And last night was another great nite- i finished uni and me and my mate from my seminar group went to poole to find our outfits for the "Doctors and nurses" nite at the firestation, he bought a stephescope and i bought an abnormally large plastic syringe- we got some weird looks as we walked into the pub! But i went home and we decided to make some more cocktails, this time with the boys involved. We made a "Blokey Mazza" (named after one of the female housemates) which this time consisted of vodka, taboo and chocolate powder used for hot chocolate- it was fucking sick- do not try it yourself. But me and james were the only people from our posse who actually dressed up for the occasion, in shirts and ties- like casual doctors such as karl kenedy and darcy tyler from neighbours. And as we went into the pub for some pre drinking drinks james surprised us all with some comical name tags. I had the original tag of doctor Bob, while james had Doctor james (later he pulled out doctor karl kenedy) and again after that i do not remember too much- just a bevy of beauties dressed up in skimpy nurses outfits, all complementing the size of my syringe! I spent another night sleeping on the sofa for some reason and woke up with a massive hangover which hasnt yet gone away.
Well thats about it apart from the general comment that me and james are soon to apply for bargain hunt with david dickinson so look out for us on tele!
Bargain hunt...... Stupidly long reports...... I need to get a life!!!
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These nights did all happen. But in teh first year we got so so ridiculously drunk every single night that they all roll into one! |